Regular professional cleaning is vital for the maintenance of your pet's dental health. Our facility employs advanced and safe ultrasonic scaling techniques to comprehensively clean each tooth, addressing both the visible surfaces and the areas below the gum line. Dental technicians perform polishing procedures to create a smooth and lustrous surface on the teeth, thereby enhancing their resistance to plaque accumulation. Furthermore, fluoride treatments are administered to fortify the enamel and alleviate tooth sensitivity.
It is noteworthy that over 80% of pets exceeding the age of seven are affected by dental disease. The appropriate prevention and treatment of this condition have a profound impact on both the longevity and quality of life of your pet.
Our licensed technicians possess specialized training to conduct dental cleanings while administering sevoflurane gas anesthetic. During this process, pets are monitored rigorously to ensure their safety and well-being. Generally, these procedures are classified as same-day surgeries, permitting pets to return home on the same evening.
To promote the continued cleanliness and health of your pet's teeth, we offer specially formulated diets, toothbrushes and toothpaste, as well as dental treats designed to support oral hygiene and enhance breath freshness.
Please remember all medication refills require a 24 hour notice!
Our office is closed for lunch daily between 1:00pm-2:00pm!!!
-The Staff at Stack Hospital for Pets